Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A Little History

It seems like everyone is starting a blog. So I thought "Hey! Why not me?" I thought I would start out with a little history of our little family, as I like to call it. 

In October 2004 I started working at Fox Building Supply. I answered the phone and filed papers and what ever else they wanted me to do. I started talking to this cranky guy named Anthony who called into the office to get approvals for sales and all sorts of boring stuff like that.  and one day I asked my new friend Hollie if she knew him and if he was always so cranky. Turns out he was. So we decided to see if we could make him laugh. Turns out I could. We fell pretty fast for each other. 

He has a son who was about 2 and half when I met him. I fell head over heels for that kid the first time I met him. I am pretty sure that was Anthony's plan now that I think about it. He was my little buddy and he almost always was on my side so poor Anthony was out numbered from the start. I can't believe he turned 9 this year. 

We got married in November of 2005 at the court house in jeans and a dress shirt. And I loved it! 

Eight months into it my husband decided (more than likely after a whole bunch of asking and pleading and begging from me) to tell me to stop taking the pill and see what happened. I was ecstatic,  although we didn't tell anyone we were trying. Two short months later I was pregnant and shocked how fast it happened.  From the day we found out my husband said we were having a girl. I always said all I wanted was boys. I didn't want girls. Girls are mean and having 5 brothers and very few cousins my age out of my huge family who were girls, boys are what I was used to, and boys are what I wanted. We went to the ultrasound to find out what  we were having and guess what! He was right! Which is a good thing since he threatened to leave me if it was a boy. LOL. What on earth was I going to do with a girl?? Not to mention my husband had decided we were naming her after a Gothic chick on NCIS named Abby. 

Turns out I LOVE having a girl. The clothes, the shoes, the hair accessories, the attitude, the drama...well, I could do without that part. But then she wouldn't be my blond haired, blue eyed, princess Abigail, whom I pray doesn't grow up wanting a big spider tattoo and sleeping in a coffin. She is a girl all the way through and she is clumsy, uncoordinated, emotional, thoughtful, and cuddly like her mommy. Hardheaded, opinionated, smart, beautiful, and kind like her daddy. And I wouldn't trade any boys for her. 

3 years and 4 months after our first little princess, I was going to school for Medical Transcription so that I could work from home because I hate leaving her. I started feeling super emotional like I hadn't in...oh about 3 years and 4 months. Guess what! We were expecting again. SURPRISE!! I was a complete mess. I was already feeling sick and I was in complete shock. My husband on the other hand was taking it very well. You would think I would be happy he was ok with it, and excited after about 2 years of begging and pleading and wishing for another baby because, while Abby has a brother, he isn't here much and she is practically an only child. But no. I was sick, miserable, and scared out of my mind. It took a few months until I was able to accept it. And  by then everyone had decided it was a boy. At first I wanted a girl. A sister for Abby like I never had, we wouldn't have to buy boy stuff, and I had all of Abby stuff saved so it would be cheaper. I was a little annoyed with everyone saying it was a boy. But it didn't take long until a boy was what I wanted too. A boy for Ant, new stuff, cute preppy boy clothes. I even picked out his name, and we weren't telling anyone until he was here! 

So we go, very excitedly, to the ultrasound, holding our breath and just waiting to see the signs of the boy we all wanted. It took 15 minutes and then the Ultrasound Tech finally announces "Oh! It's another girly girl!" The room went silent. While she tried to get another look, Abby was crying and it was all I could do to keep it together. Then we saw it. Three little dots. It was a girl. I just started wishing she would hurry up and get finished so we cold just leave. I was disappointed and horrible mother. I started out not accepting the baby, and then when it wasn't what I wanted I cried. I was sure that I was the only person in the world who left the ultrasound completely heart broken. I cried, Abby cried, Ant called everyone and disappointed the whole family. I am sure when this baby grows up she will be holding it over our heads for the rest of our lives. So secretly I pray she has ALL boys. LOL  Not really, we are all excited now, and I cannot wait to see my little girls get to be sisters. I have grown to love the idea of more hair bows, and dresses, and accessories, and painted fingernails.  

She has name but it's a secret until she get's here. But if you know us you could probably have a very educated guess and get pretty close. ;)

And that is the story of us, my little family, in a slightly bigger than normal nutshell. 

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