Friday, February 22, 2013

When littles speak....

After a few weeks of very rough school time this momma has decided we are going unconventional. We will still be doing Abeka and we will still have books (I'm not that creative) but if she wants to stand on her head to do school she can! I have put too much pressure on myself to make her do school "the right way." Isn't the reason for homeschooling to cater to my childs needs and not the rules of a classroom? Don't get me wrong. I'm NOT a good "out of the box" kind of girl. Unless its food....then I don't like it out of the box. Yuck!
But I digress. I've had way to many bad mommy moments lately and I truly believe that this is what I am called to do in and for my family right now. So instead of screwing up my kid by screaming at her for not knowing what word rhymes with Fire and Wire (even though there is a PICTURE of it on the page......), I'm going to learn how to teach her the way SHE needs, not the way the books say I should. My daughter is very smart, can read and do math better than I EVER imagined she would be able to at the age of 5, and I need to start seeing how far she has come and not how much she has left. I'm embarrassed to say it took a very unlovely mommy fail to come to this conclusion, but I'm thankful for second chances and a sweet baby girl that forgives her mommy even when I totally didn't deserve it. Its time for me to start learning from her gentleness and laughter! And next week, when we have a melt down, we will both get a time out. We will both get to think about our reactions to the situation. And we will both learn together how to be patient, and love each other better.
Who knew a 5 year old could teach me so much! God definitely blessed me by letting me borrow her. <3 

Matthew 19:14 KJV
But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.

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