Tuesday, February 12, 2013

His eye in on the sparrow.

I have been thinking about Gods grace. I'm thankful for it ALL the time. But sometimes more than others its a lot more evident. When tragedy  strikes. When a role model let's you down. When things just seem to be falling apart. Some people I know turn from God in those times. Even blame God. I can't say that I've ever blamed God out right. But more times than I can count I have asked Him why. Pleaded with Him to just tell me WHY so I could move on. I don't think its wrong to ask why. God knows I'm human. I'm not all knowing. I'm an emotional, visible being, trusting in an all powerful God. I know that in my head and my heart. But sometimes just a little answer to why seems a lot easier than just trusting His plan. That's when God gives me little pushes. When he makes something just a little easier. When He gives me peace in the very middle of my storm. It doesn't make my storm go away. But it makes it easier to bear.
HIS strength is made perfect in MY weakness. If being weak is how I grow stronger then maybe that's my why. If my storm was easy would I cry out for His hand? If my trials were just "What to make for dinner" would I know the power of His grace? That would be an all inclusive "nope!"
So maybe next time when I don't know why, and my heart cries out for healing and grace, I can be thankful He brought me to it so I can learn to let Him bring me through it.

"Why should I feel discouraged,
why should the shadows come,
Why should my heart be lonely,
and long for heaven and home,
When Jesus is my portion?
My constant friend is He.
His eye is on the sparrow,
and I know He watches me."

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