Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Homeschooling....dun, dun, dun...

Growing up I had no idea that Homeschooling was so controversial. It's what we did at my house, and while I knew that not everyone did it, I never realized how much peoples opinions varied on the subject.

When I was home schooled I learned to read at 5, I HATED math, and I SWORE I would never do that to my children. I felt left out because I didn't go to the Christian school all my church friends went to. I was very shy and very introverted. I thought then that it was because I was home schooled. I thought that home school kids never got to make friends, never got to be in choir, never got to play sports, never got to go on field trips, and I sure didn't get to have a "sick day" or "snow day."

What I didn't know was that most homeschool kids went on field trips, played sports, sang in choirs, made friends, had play dates. What I didn't know was that because of our family situation (which I will not go into detail about here) was the reason that I didn't do all that. It wasn't just because I was home schooled! It WASN'T just because I was HOMESCHOOLED!! That knowledge was priceless to me when I realized that.

However, knowing that did not change my opinion of it. Until I had my own first baby that is. When she was one I had started thinking about what kind of school I wanted her in (ie- Private, Public). I started going to FBC Mustang and there were a couple of families there that homeschooled and I started thinking about it. But I wasn't thinking, "Hey! I'm gonna home school my kids because I loved it so much!" I was thinking, "It's all good and well for them, but it's not for me!" But as the years went by (all 3 of them!) it seemed like God was laying it on my heart. I told myself, "My husband will never go for that. He wouldn't understand, so I am not even going to talk about it!" And then she turned 2.

I asked Anthony what he thought and he said, "That's a long ways away. We'll see." And I told myself, "See! He is hoping I'll forget, or change my mind. He doesn't want me to." And then she turned 3.

I broached the subject a little more carefully this time. I asked him what he thought about homeschooling, and what he thought about public school. He didn't really say anything, but a few weeks (or months, I forget...) went by and it seemed like we kept hearing about crazy stuff happening at schools, even the ones that were in "good" districts.

Now, I know that it might sounds crazy to some, but when God has wanted me to do something in the past, I very rarely get away with not doing it. So sometimes I try and half do it, like asking to be a helper in Sunday school and, what do you know! They only need a teacher. Seriously...it so happens. Ask my mom.

So this time it's my hubby that says, "Homeschooling is going to be the only safe school pretty soon!" Of course he said it flippantly and not with much enthusiasm, but it made me say, "Well crap!" I very likely even said it out loud.

About 6 months later I decided if Anthony said to do it, then I would do it. I asked him what he thought again and told him we needed to decide because I needed to start figuring out how to enroll her in school if we were sending her.  And he says, "You want to home school her?" I say, "Yes. I think its what we should do." and he says, "It's what we are going to do."

I'm not gonna lie. I was speechless. That was what he said, and HOW he said it. Like he had already decided and was just making sure I was still going along with it.

So here we are. Six and half weeks into it and I am amazed at what she has done so far! She knows all her letters, she can count to 30 (almost by herself, and we are working to get to 100), she is learning all the sounds her letters make, and already figures out more than I expected all on her own. She is learning how to blend her letters to make words. She read cat, hat, sat, and mat the other day (although she refuses to do it again, LOL).

When I got her school stuff I ordered Kindergarten stuff. The Pre-K stuff was mostly colors, shapes, letters, and numbers. She already knew most of that so I didn't want it to be too easy. I wanted her to be challenged because she gets bored with things very easy. I have had to modify some of it for her, but I am completely surprised at how much she has done and that I haven't had to change! She can write all her name, all her numbers, and about half of her letters.

We have had play dates, and she wants to play the drums. (Side note: mommy isn't too excited about that. daddy thinks that is cool.) She says she wants to play every sport there is. Basketball, Baseball, Soccer, Volleyball, Tennis, and Football (even though daddy keeps telling her girls can't......). She is stubborn as can be and some days school work is a struggle. She will act like she doesn't know any of her letters, or any of their sounds, or how to write them. If you name something in her work that day she probably doesn't want to do that either. But most days are an adventure for her. She is proud when she can sing the alphabet all by herself (even though she has been since she could talk), and when she writes her letters or numbers right. I must say that homeschooling is probably the most rewarding thing I have ever done besides being a mommy. Who knew!!

1. I know homeschooling isn't for everyone.

2. If you are that one that it isn't for, I absolutely do not think less of anyone who doesn't choose it.

3. If homeschooling is not only NOT for you, but you can't possibly see how it can be for anyone, or good for the kids involved, you can keep it to yourself. I don't come to your house and tell you how you should or shouldn't raise your kids, where they should or shouldn't go to school, what they should or shouldn't wear, or who they should or shouldn't talk to . What's best for my family is not best for anyone else's. And what's best for yours isn't what is best for mine. So lets be friends, and keep the negative comments out of it. With love of course! ;)

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