Friday, November 13, 2015

10 years and counting

When you're little you dream about what life will be like. Maybe you dream you'll be a rich successful business person. Or maybe a huge basketball star. Maybe you dream that you'll be a doctor and find the cure to cancer. Or maybe you're like me and you just want to grow up to be a mom. You dream of the guy you'll marry someday, and occasionally are pretty sure you know who he is, when your 12. But, it wasn't him, or that one, or the guy who never knew your name but you sure knew his. Nope, it's none of those. So you grow up some more and you do some really dumb things because, well, you're not THAT grown up yet.
And then.... Suddenly... You're an adult. Living on your own. Paying your bills (and not very well). And having a great time being really bad at paying bills and doing really crazy stuff because you think you're smart enough to handle it. You get a super fantastic job that you love, and work part time at another job that's fun but exhausting. And then you start paying attention to who calls when you answer the phone. Because, let's be honest, you're the receptionist at that super fantastic job that you love.
There's this one guy who calls a bazillion times a day and he's ALWAYS cranky. Nothing is ever funny, and all he wants to know is if he can charge "this much money to such and such account." And there is never time to hold, oh no! You can either call him back (which you'll probably forget because it's only your 1st week full time at this super fantastic job, and you have to file 400 million papers...), or he'll try again later. Then one day, this really tall skinny guy with a hat and mustache (seriously...) comes in. At lunch you ask your new BFF (who used to do your job so she knows all the people) if that is the same guy who calls every day. She confirms it and you have a conversation about this guy. One thing leads to another and somehow you both decide that someone needs to make him smile a little more and be cranky a little less. So, you both text him and ask if he can watch your dog (which you don't have) while you're out of town (which you won't be) fully expecting a no. But, instead, you get a yes! And that my friends is the beginning of a happily ever after!
That was 11 years ago. 11 years ago I just wanted to know why he was always cranky. And I guess he also wanted to know why I was always so happy. He won tickets on a radio show to go to rodeo, and asked my friend if she thought I would go with him. She told him to ask me, so he did. That was supposed to be our first date, but it ended up being our 3rdish. And by then we were about as inseparable as two people can be  who live in different cities. Once after a date I accidentally left my keys in his truck, so he had to leave work, drive Moore from OKC, just so I could drive. It just so happened that I was off work that day, but I can't remember why. But I won't ever forget that. Because knowing what I know now, that was true love, yall. 
Our lives since then have not been anything at all like I imagined. We have been through things that I would wish on no one. And we have overcome things I would have told you we never could.
But you know what? God. Is. Faithful. And He has blessed me with more than I can even begin to express. I am blessed beyond measure. With a husband who not only loves us so much, but one who now also leads us THROUGH Christ. Y'all, there is absolutely no greater joy for my heart than hearing him pray, and read the Bible, and go on mission trips, and sing his beautiful heart out to Jesus. No. Greater. Joy. I am blessed. He is faithful through every hard day, every good day, every hard thing, every good thing.  I love this guy more today then I ever could have imagined back then. And I wouldn't want to do this terrible, beautiful, crazy life with anyone other than the guy I get to call My Husband.

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