Tuesday, October 2, 2012

I choose Reeces Peanut Butter Cup Mix, Thank you!

I have been thinking about choices lately. Every day we are faced with so many choices that we don't even realize that's what they are. I choose what I will eat for breakfast. I choose what I wear. I choose to spend entirely too much time pinning things at night and get very little sleep. I choose to teach my daughter. I choose to lose my mind. Well, maybe not exactly, but I did choose to have children so same difference.
Sometimes we make good choices, sometimes we make bad ones. Every single day our lives are made up of a thousand different choices. Every choice has a consequence. Good or bad there is one. Even if it's little. Even if it's big. (Oh great...I'm channeling Dr. Suess...)
I sometimes over think the craziest choices. For instance, "Oh! I need to wear this shirt tomorrow because I'm going (insert destination)." Or "I need to lay on my right side because I was laying on my left side when I got up." I know. Crazy right? Don't worry. I do it to the big ones, too. Only worse. Much, much worse.
Through some much needed reading, Bible study, and some very dear friends (who will remain anonymous) I have come to the conclusion that I have let my bad choices run my life. Not only that, but I have let the guilt of those choices become my idol. I revel in the misery I so deserve.
But what about being a child of my Heavenly Father? What about being saved from my sin? What about that blood that cleanses all my sin? What happened to keeping God my God? Why do I think, instead of asking forgiveness, learning from my choices and their consequence, and moving on to higher ground, that God wants me to live a miserable, broken life?
It seems I have forgotten the things I have known my whole life. Jesus came to this earth, died on a wooden cross, suffered in pain and agony, and DIED for all of those choices I have made. And then, instead of staying dead and leaving me hopeless, He arose. He defeated MY sin and death. And He loved me enough to suffer to prove it. If He could do all that for me, who am I to put who I am and what I am before Him. Who am I that my sin is too big for His blood? Who am I that my righteousness (Ok, unrighteousness, but I sure can act like I'm righteous enough) is good enough to make my good days good enough? How silly I have been! God doesn't expect me to never mess up. He expects me to mess up, tell Him I was wrong, and try again. I can't say I won't ever be less than anything I am now. But I can say I am redeemed, saved by the blood, on my way to heaven, never to lose that promise of forever, despite my humanness. I am thankful for the cross, the blood, and the empty tomb!

In my wildest imagination
I would have never even thought
That someone would give His life to die for me
On an old wooden cross.
But there's a man who gave it all
On a hill called Calvary.
He was mocked and ridiculed,
Spat upon and beat.
His own Father turned His back,
And his mother watched in tears.
There has never been a moment
When I thought I was worth it all
But He suffered and bled
And died on that tree,
And would have done it just for me!
-Author -TA

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