Sunday, January 1, 2012

Goodbye 2011! Hello 2012!

2011 was a very long, trying, eventful year. To say the least. I am thankful for the things I learned. The blessings I received. The hard times I survived. And the great things that were all mixed in. But I am not sorry to see it go!

This New year will probably bring a lot of unexpected things too. But I'm excited to see what those will be. I usually make New Years Resolutions, and I NEVER keep them. Usually its about 3 weeks max and then it's so long to whatever I was deciding to do that year. So this year I decided that I want to make life and heart resolutions. I want to grow closer to God, become a better wife and mother, and live for the days I have, come want may. I want to not worry so much, and trust God more. I want to be thankful for what I do have, instead of looking at what I could have. I want to love better, laugh more, and live like I know where I'm going (because I do!).

In church this morning I remembered something my dad taught us to do every New Year. He would trace our hands and our feet and cut them out. Then he would take us to the church when no one else was there and we would lay our hands and our feet at the alter and he would pray for us. He would pray that God would keep us in His will. That we would let Him use our hands and feet for Him. And he would, every year, give us back to God. When I was little I thought it was fun to trace my hands and feet and give them to Jesus. Now that I have my own kids I see how precious and blessed I am to have a dad that wanted only Gods best for us. So this year, with my New resolutions, my only prayer is that my children and family will see that in me. Even through the times when I fall and don't do it just right. I want "to do everything I do to the glory of the one who made me, cause He made me!"
So, if you think about it, please pray for me this year! I won't ever be perfect and I won't always do everything just right. I will always be taking tiny little baby steps and probably falling flat on my face (a lot). But hopefully by 2013 I will have learned to pick myself back up a little better than I do now. I am so glad God knows me, and that when I do fall He is right to help me back up.
Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I dont have any idea why--I guess its a glitch with blogger, but I NEVER get an email when anyone posts a blog on here. I've got several that Im 'subscribed' to and not One email do I get stating that a blog was posted.
    Anyways...I just now got to read this! As I read about your dad and laying your hands and feet at the alter, I thought, "what a great idea!" And it made me get a little teary eyed. too.
    Its a new year, and already February--January FLEW by. Praying you have a great New Year!

    1. Mine never emails me either. I have a reader app on my phone that I use to TRY and keep up though. Lol
