Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Kenzys first official potty day

I have been promising to start potty training for a while now. But I kept putting it off. Turns out I hate that my last baby is so big. Who knew. But the last few days she has been taking her diaper off every time she uses it. 

This morning she did it again and I figured, why not. We have to start sometime, might as well be now.

I told her the diaper fairy came and only left enough diapers for when its dark and she goes to bed. She was cool with it. I brought the potty chair to the dining room (don't judge. We had to do school too. Two birds....) told her not to go potty in mommys floor (fully expecting just that), and we were off! Potty training officially under way.

First of all, I have to be completely honest. Calling it potty "training" would be a complete and utter lie. There was absolutely no training done today whatsoever. Not kidding. Unless telling her not to go on the floor counts. On second thought, now that I think of it...I'm counting it!!

I sat her on the potty, we sang her ABCs, and.....nothing.  Two minutes later something shocking happened. She said, "Uhoh. I peepee." Naturally I'm thinking, "And so it begins, the first of a day full of accidents." But before I can ask where the inevitable mess was made, she is running to the potty like a penguin. If penguins ran to the potty. I just stand there staring. She goes potty, stands up and yells, "WOOHOO!!! My do it! My pee!"

And that, my friends (if you're still my friends since I was somehow blessed with the two "easiest kids to potty train in the planet"), was how Kenzy was potty trained.

Before nap time there was not one single accident. Not one! After nap time I decided to try panties. She got two pairs wet and we went back to just her long t-shirt, and so far so good! She even had a successful poo! It freaked her out at first, and she ran to find more Dora panties to finish in, but she was quite proud to flush it down the toilet and announce to her daddy,  "My poop swims!" 

All in all a very amazingly shocking successful day. I couldn't be more proud of my little princess and I'm hoping tomorrow is just as great. Hopefully my brag session doesn't jinx me. I know a few of you are probably wishing it on me. ; )

Here is a picture that someday she will hate me for.
Every princess needs to have a Coach Purse, Princess boots, and pretty hair to start out a successful potty day. ;)