Friday, December 21, 2012

When I was just a little child, no higher than your knee....

When I was a little girl my grandma told me that you should never get frustrated when the traffic is backed up, or you get stuck behind a VERY slow car, because it could be God keeping you safe from what lies ahead. When I got older my dad said the same thing. And a few times I have seen the evidence of it. But lately I have been noticing that it happens in real life too. A really slow "car" gets in my way and I'm so frustrated. But a little ways down the road I see what that "imperfect timing" was preparing my heart for. And it turns out it was right on time! Sometimes there are road blocks, or pot holes that give you flat tires.  Sometimes its a curb you hit because you weren't paying close enough attention. Then other times its a friendly push uovthe hill to the gas station because you're just plain outta gas! The last few months I have hit a lot of curbs, had a few flat tires, and ran out of gas countless times. But God has always been there to get me out of it. Either with a jack (aka parents) to change my tire (aka attitude), a friendly tow (aka friend(s) ) to get some more gas (aka uplifting words), or curb to get my attention when I forget to watch where I'm going (aka the Bible and my pastor).
I'm thankful for life lessons and a Godly heritage that have taught me how to apply them. God has done great things for me. The greatest is eternal life with Him in heaven. But He didn't stop there. He has given me the tools and guides to help me become His best for me. I am so very unworthy. But forever grateful!

"When I was just a little child no higher than you knee,
My momma bought a box of crayons
Just for me.
I picked them up, and I opened them up and I looked way down inside,
And the colors they reminded me of Jesus when He died.
Red is the color of the blood that he shed.
Brown is for the crown of thorns they placed upon His head.
Blue is for royalty in which He did dwell.
And yellow is for the Christian whose afraid to tell"